Sunday, September 15, 2019

I Am a Martial Artist

I am a martial artist.
I see through different eyes.
I see the bigger picture
Musashiwhen others see gray skies.

Though many can't conceive it,
I stand... facing the wind.
My bravery, not from fighting,
but from my strength within.

I am a martial artist.
I'll walk the extra mile.
Not because I have too,
but because it's worth my while.

I know that I am different
when I stand on a crowded street.
I know the fullness of winning;
I've tasted the cup of defeat.

I am a martial artist.
They say I walk with ease.
Though trained for bodily harm,
my intentions are for peace.

The worl may come and go
but a different path I'll choose.
A path I will not stray from,
no matter, win or lose.

- Karen Eden


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